Time management

Time Management Mantras

24 Hours In A Day. Use Them Wisely

“We are time’s subjects, and time bids be gone.”

— William Shakespeare

Time management is almost a mythical ethos that seems to dodge you no matter how good your intentions might be in your life. Did you ever experience being piled up with a mountain of work before you, leaving you with no time at all for your family and friends? Have you ever spent hours and hours at night contemplating about all the things waiting for you at the office tomorrow? If these things sound familiar to you, then you are not alone.

But now is the perfect time to make some changes and reclaim the life that you have lost. You can use several mantras for your time management that can help your situation take full control and reclaim your life and rescue your entire day.


“Agreeing to everything helps no one.”

When you already have a fully loaded schedule, don’t be afraid to decline. Always saying “yes” to your colleagues or boss will help nobody. Not only will your workload increase at the same time, you might even miss your deadlines, not just for your current tasks but also for those additional tasks that you have accepted.

Saying a cursory “no” to such a request might become counterproductive, creating unwanted negative air. Thus, wording your response with extra care is a must.

“A single day only lasts for a day.”

Gaining, stretching, or saving time is simply unreal. It is something that most people have probably used at one point in time, but in truth, this is merely a fallacy. Remember that time is something constant, and you can not do anything to alter it.

A few things, such as delegating tasks or using computerized systems, can boost productivity. But all these things take place in a similar time-space. When you learn to accept that time passes, and it is not something you can change, you will start to adapt your work style to manage better the things you can do within the allocated periods more effectively.

“Manage yourself to manage your time.”

Extending your working hours is never a good way to manage your time. Time management is something driven by efficiency. When you start to work earlier in your day and finish later, you will damage your personal and social life. Among the best benefits of proper time management is that it balances your personal and working lives by ensuring that your personal time will be stress-free.

The adage “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” has been heard for so many years and this saying’s key components still ring true even in the modern way of managing time.

Sleeping early at night will make you well rested and ready for the next day while waking up earlier in the morning gives you extra time to prepare for the day ahead without rushing. Getting to your office late, tired from rushing, and in a gloomy mood can negatively affect your whole day.


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